virtual wisdom

YouTube finds

The fear of witchcraft created evil -and senseless killings. Fear, the great destroyer and divider. Long before Salem - Greek Mythology held Hecate in high honor as the Goddess of protection, the night and the moon. A torch bearer, holding light for wandering lost souls on their path through to the underworld. She was anti-establishment and an advocate for those pushed to the fringes; the common mortal will often fear this type of prowess, especially when embodied by a woman. We need the bravery and heart of Hecate now.


A Watts on Real Honesty and the Paradox of Pretending

mental health vitamin

How EMDR Works

Carl Jung on finding your SOUL


Rumi on the wisdom of LOVE

Adult Children of Alcoholics- an old classic

Ram Dass - as it is and as we are